Thursday, January 3, 2008

Look Who's Writing! (Rant Included)

So I'm driving home tonight and its raining and everyone is of course driving like morons... when I look in front of me I see a green mini-van with one of those stickers of the cartoon stick figure know the one I'm talking about. - - well this one actually had their names under each figure - if you went to that link - you see that you can do it there.

Now maybe I'm morbid and horrible... but the first thing I thought of tonight when I saw that - was that is seemed to be sort of an invitation to kidnap your children! I mean think about it - your some crazy child abducting freak and you are looking for your victim... you pass by say a house with a mini-van out front, with this happy little bumper sticker with all the children's, and their names - I'm pretty sure that just gives them an opportunity to be very clever... say the next time they come by and see the kid playing outside... couldn't they just walk up /or drive up and say "Hey Emily, your mom told me to come and get you." and off they go!

I am not saying it would definitely happen - but why make it so easy for success should it - on the crazy off chance that it does???

Kela Deems This A BAD Idea!

Hope you enjoyed my little rant!

Much Love,


Anonymous said...

Actually, kiddo, I've heard of that exact thing happening... So, your fears are justified!


Anonymous said...

I don't think you are being morbid; I think that is a good point. But I've always disliked the whole promoting "I have a kid" thing.

Like using an email address of "sally'" instead of something about YOU, or the "baby on board" from the 80's (what, we're not supposed to HIT A CAR with a baby on board but everyone else is fair game, c'mon!) all that.

It's like...I don't know. Daws likes to call it the fetishization of children that is rampant these days and I have to agree. Children are great, fabulous, the greatest thing I've ever done in my life was raising my kids but...they are PART of my Life, not ALL there is to my Life.

There's a creepy kind of attitude towards their children by some parents today that started 20, 30 years ago. I don't know if it's because parents are guiltier because they work so much, or just clueless, or what but I think that's what I kneejerk about when it comes to this kind of thing.

And you should write more often. :) Love ya! Annie :)

Mar said...

OMG! That IS freakin' scary. That makes total sense, and yes, since I lived in the valley - Stockton - I think thoughts like this all the time. My mom actually cried when I moved there. Well, it did have one of the highest murder rates in the country, not just the state, but the country! Love ya lots girl! And I think you can never be too careful about this world when it concerns kids. Oh and I did think those were cute when I first saw them =)