Thursday, April 17, 2008

Magical Journey

So I've been having some personal problems these days, fears for the future mostly. Haven't been sleeping, been late to work... all this fun jazz.... then last night Ryan and I were doing our regular routine... and suddenly remembered that we both had good bicycles now... so we decide to go outside and test them out. After a few minutes I got the hang of it again - its been a while - and this bike is a bit big for me... even with the seat all the way to the bottom, I can just barely touch my tippy toes to the ground - its good times I tell you! LOL.

Anyhoo- so after about 20 minutes or so driving around in our car port area... we venture onto the street and soon find a path past the last house on the cul-de-sac leading to a trail we'd never noticed before! Ryan and I slipped past the last house, thru a little ravine and voila - we were in beautiful nature... the ghetto neighborhood millions of miles away! We've lived here for close to 4 years and never saw this path before... Ryan and I have vowed to go riding every night we can, keep us in shape and unwind after a long day. We rode around for a good hour, hour or two until it got too dark to be safe... close to 9pm LOL. I ended up sleeping better then I have in ... well a LONG TIME... and woke up on time feeling refreshed! Who would have thought!?

Course I'm eating up time sitting here telling you my story... so I gotta get off to work!

Have a great day EVERYONE!
Much Love,

P.s - Thanks for reading!


Annie said...

Oh wow, Kela! That is awesome that you guys found that trail! How wonderful! I know that exercise and getting outside is just such a wonderful mood uplifter! Enjoy! Happy for you! {{{hugs and love}}}

Todd Gilchrist said...

Hey Kela,

It has been great weather for bike rides. Sounds like you and Ryan had a good time! Isn't it great how good exercising makes you feel!

Take care - Todd

ps - thanks for showing interest in my writings :-)